Creating Form
We'll create a form to get the data from users.
In our form, we'll create four input fields for name, contact, course and email. Page will display the entered values back.
Step 1 Create Model file UserForm.php
Here we'll create a model file to request data from the user in models/UserForm.php.
Look at the above code, the function rules() is set to validate data from users.
Step 2 Create Action
In the controllers/SiteController.php, we'll create an action user.
Look at the above code, action receives the data from the $_POST method provided by the users. The action validate() will make sure that entered data is valid.
If data is valid, then action will render to the view page user-confirm to confirm the submission. Otherwise, it will go to else part, stating error in the validation.
Step 3 Create views
Two files in the view directory will be created.
One is user-confirm.php file in views/site/user-confirm.php.
Other is user.php file in views/site/user.php.
Look at the above code, the ActiveForm widget is used to create the HTML form. The begin() and end() widgets represents the opening and closing tags of HTML form respectively.
Step 4 Running on Browser
Type the following URL in your browser to run the form,
Now we'll fill the details in the above form.
On clicking the Submit button, we'll see the validated information.
Ad hoc Validation
To validate values that are not bound to any model, we need to use ad hoc validation. Or if you want to validate values without models then use ad hoc validation.
To perform one type of validation, you may call yii\validators\validator() method of the desired validator.
Not all the valdiators support this type of validation.
For example, we are calling yii\validators\DateValidator()
But to perform multiple validations, against several values you can use yii\base\DynamicModel which defines both attributes and rules.
For example, here we are calling DynamicModel to validate date and email.
On the browser, pass the URL
Look at the above output, both date and email have been validated at the same time.
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