Saturday 14 April 2018

Handson Workshop Training Duration : 2 Days Trainer Cost: 5000- Rs (Per Day ) Conact : Boopathi kumar K Corporate Trainer / Full Stack Developer/ Date scientist Phone:9698548633 Email: Website: PHP Syllabus Core PHP

Handson Workshop   Training
Duration :  2 Days
Trainer  Cost:  5000- Rs (Per Day )
Conact : Boopathi kumar   K
Corporate  Trainer / Full Stack Developer/ Date scientist

PHP Syllabus

Core PHP

Introduction to PHP

Evaluation of Php
Basic Syntax
Defining variable and constant
Php Data type
Operator and Expression

Handling Html Form With Php

Capturing Form Data
Dealing with Multi-value filed
Generating File uploaded form
Redirecting a form after submission

Decisions and loop

Making Decisions
Doing Repetitive task with looping
Mixing Decisions and looping with Html


What is a function
Define a function
Call by value and Call by reference
Recursive function


Creating and accessing String
Searching & Replacing String
Formatting String
String Related Library function


Anatomy of an Array
Creating index based and Associative array
Accessing array Element
Looping with Index based array
Looping with associative array using each() and foreach()
Some useful Library function

Working with file and Directories

Understanding file& directory
Opening and closing a file
Coping ,renaming and deleting a file
Working with directories
Building a text editor
File Uploading & Downloading

Mini Project (With file Handling)

State management

Using query string(URL rewriting)
Using Hidden field
Using cookies
Using session

String matching with regular expression

What is regular expression
Pattern matching in Php
Replacing text
Splitting a string with a Regular Expression

Generating Images with PHP

Basics of computer Graphics
Creating Image
Manipulating Image
Using text in Image

Database Connectivity with MySql

Introduction to RDBMS
Connection with MySql Database
Performing basic database operation(DML) (Insert, Delete, Update, Select)
Setting query parameter
Executing query
Join (Cross joins, Inner joins, Outer Joins, Self joins.)

Mini Project

Web Designing


Introduction to HTML
Creating Forms
Creating tables
Managing home page


Introduction to CSS
Three ways to use CSS
CSS Properties
Designing website
Working with Templates

Java Script

Introduction to Javascript
Three ways to use Javascript
Working with events
Client-side Validation


Introduction to JQuery
Validation using JQuery
JQuery Forms
JQuery Examples


Introduction to AJAX
Working with database

Mini Project

Advance PHP

Introduction to OOPS

Declaring a class
The new keyword and constructor
Access method and properties using $this variable
Public ,private, protected properties and methods
Static properties and method
Class constant
Inheritance & code reusability
Parent:: & self:: keyword
Instanceof operator
Abstract method and class

Exception Handling

Understanding Exception and error
Try, catch, throw

Framework- Cake PHP

Introduction to CakePHP

Understanding the MVC Pattern Models
How MVC works?
Congfiguration CakePHP
Setting up CakePHP with apache Enviornment eg. Enable mod_rewrite
Configuration CakePHP to work with database
Running Cake for the first time
Cake Convention: Naming convention for MVC and database tables

Models: Creating up model for a database table

Fetching data
Saving and updating data
Deleting data
User defined function in model
Data Validation

Controller: Creating controller

Controller function
Interacting with model
Interacting with views
Controller variables and parameters
Getting post data

Views: Creating Views

Working with configuration layout
Creating custom layout
Element and helpers

Cake session:

Storing data in cake session
Reading a session data
Delete data from session

CMS- Wordpress

WordPress Introduction

Understanding and Using domain names
WordPress Hosting Options
Installing WordPress on a Dedicated Server
Understanding Directory Permissions

Basics of the WordPress User Interface

Understanding the WordPress Dashboard
Pages, Tags, Media and Content Administration
Core WordPress Settings

Finding and Using WordPress Plugins

Finding and Installing Plugins Quickly and Easily
Upgrading WordPress Plugins
Recommended WordPress Plugins

Working with WordPress Themes

Understanding the Structure of WordPress Themes
Finding Themes and Choosing the Right One
Installing and Configuring Themes
Editing and Customizing Themes
Using Theme Frameworks and Parent-Child Themes
Theme Best Practices

WordPress Content Management

Understanding Posts Versus Pages
Organizing Posts with Categories
Connecting Posts Together with Tags
Custom Post Types and Custom Taxonomies
Managing Lists of Links

Creating and Managing Content

Hands-On Training on the WordPress Editors
Hands-On Training on the New Image Editor

All Frameworks and CMS




Magento (E-commerce )

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